Sunday, June 15, 2008

A friend in Need

After that proposal debacle, I was here playing Max Payne in Saket's desktop. He was happy that nothing happened and just to extract some extra pleasure he started asking me details of the fortunate accident. Fortunate for him, accident for me. When I've friends like Saket I dont need enemies.
Saket: So have u proposed?
Me: No. I thot to give myself sum time.
Saket: Really!!!(I can see the curve of his smile even when I was not watchin his face.) Or is there something else?
Me: Y do u want to kno?
Saket: Just!!! I am ur friend.(Hell, I kno(KMA). At this point my patience broke which is once in a decade affair.)
Me: She is an ambitious girl. I am no match for her.
Saket: I kno. U shud not have thot abt her on the first place. She is 8 pointer,u are barely 6. She is mature, you are but not that much.(Oh thanx.)She has options, ur life is a single choice question. Forget her and find a new girl. She is way beyond you.
Me: Thanks mate. Your words are helping me.
Saket: Anytime buddy. We are friends(KMA).(After a long pause of 10 mins when i did not react.)
Saket: No,just. What did she say when u proposed?
Me: I didn't.
Saket: Okay. U just came back.(What do I look like.Again since I did not react, plain faced for 15mins.)
Do u really love her?
(Does this a** kno abt love.)
Me: Y? How does that matter? to anyone?
Saket: No its foolish for a boy like u to love her. Its not practical.
Me: Love is not practical,its love. Only ur desire for gal is a practical one. Although for u I seem to be like a stupid looser. Yes I am but for the first time in my life I kno 1 thing for sure. I love her. I love her so much that I'll let her go.
Saket: Relax man. We r friends. I just wanted to share.
Me: I kno. Thanks man.
Saket: So now what?
Silence. Somehow I choose not to answer and he didn ask again.