Friday, June 13, 2008

Delhi's Debacle

Delhi dilwalon ki but only in books. After scoring good marks in Maths in Senior Secondary, which was an unfortunate incident, I decided to be an IITian. IIT is the dream which every Indian teen with 70% more aggregate have to see otherwise his society will say, "He was a good boy. But nobody knows what happenend." And I have 90 % so it was obvious that I was made for IIT(This all in my town thought.)
So to chase the big IIT dream, I was here in Delhi for coaching from some stupid teachers. Teachers in my side are always stupid because according to our culture, those who cant do anything are teachers in a private school and my teachers confirmed this belief.
The thing about coaching institutes is they select the brightest kid and then give them questions to solve and out of those bright kids few get thru IIT and then they give their success report. I mean what a cool way to fool a bunch of fools. Anyways I somehow took admission in a distant coaching institute, which must not be named. So this was my first time in a metro. And being a small town teen it will always be a horrible experience and even more horrible if that boy does not wear jeans. Yup, that was me, no one told me that to survive in a metro as a teen you must wear Jeans. I never knew that and so I was humiliated and tagged as a village boy :).
Things I learnt in a Metro:
1. You must have money for everything. Even if you want to smile, you can pay for it.
2. If you see a group of girls entering into every shop, THEY ARE NOT GIRLS.
3. Buses can run on CNG.
4. Even boys get eve-teased by gals.
5. Extra marital affair can be a style statement.
6. If you are teenager, wear Jeans.
7. Don't call Aunty to anyone.
8. World is not as good as you think.