Monday, June 23, 2008

Bridge of chance for Love

For the first time in my life, I knew what I was feeling. Suddenly a wave of feeling aroused. I felt pain and then I realized its love.
Ambika: Do u love me?(Okay this was unexpected. I felt like blood was flowing faster than its normal speed. I can run even on a faster speed I thot. And the problem was this time I had to face it. I cant run.) MTV bolti band tell me.
Chandru: I... We are just friends.(The strange thing about girls is, no matter how foolish are they, they can sense. And this one was a shrewd mammal.) I do not know. Why? What about you?
Ambika: As expected. If you love me then why are you lying? U never lie I thot.
(Suddenly I gained confidence. I wanted to tell her how much I love her. What and how I felt everytime when I was with her. How with every passing moment I searched for her in college. How I slept thinking about her and then woke up thinking about her. I never told her what I feel because I always thought my words will not justify my feelings. There exist no words for the feeling called Love. And then I said...)
Chandru: I am no match for you. There is nothing like love between us. Because you've spent sometime with me that is what you are calling love. Give yourself sometime. You deserve a better person. (Said everything in a breath. Wooh what a relief.)
Ambika: "How do you know what I deserve?" (Yeah y dont u punch me instead. She always has a ready to use answer.)
Chandru: I don't know. But with me you are going nowhere. There is no future. Think practical. And above all I am never going to commit. Not for you. (Ha I can match you too.)
Ambika: That was harsh.
Chandru: I know but there wasn't any other way I would have told you.
Ambika: So now what? Lets go. I have to go and check what others are doing.

She was hiding her. But she did not know that I was dying with pain and by the efforts of concealing it. The problem with girls is once they love someone, no matter how useless the guy is, they will drop some tears for him anyway. It was around 10:30 pm now and only we were there. Sometimes a security guard just dropped by in the hope that we might get kinky and he gets some free entertainment. I can see the disappointment on his face when he did not get any. I have almost forgotten that she was sitting right next to me and so found myself thinking about her as I use to in my hostel room or anywhere else. Her voice again brought me back into reality.
Ambika: Shall we go? I need to check my friends.
Chandru: Can we sit more for a little while?
Ambika: Do you know, you suck? (Thanks for making me realize.)
And then we did not say anything. None of us moved. From the corner of my eyes I was watching her. I saw her watching her feet which she has polished better than normal days. I don't how do girls do all those stuff in hostel. Plus I don't how sometimes they choose to look beautiful than normal. I suck big time no matter what's the occasion is. I saw tiny drops of water on her feet which I guess were her tears. For one last time I watched her with as much concentration as possible thinking that may be my memory will hold her presence all my life. I was foolish ofcourse. For me she was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I hope she will always be. Suddenly the sound of crackers distracted my thoughts and I realized its time to go. I walked with her to her hostel. It was 12:30 night. She did not turn back and I kept watching the iron gate for next 20 mins thinking that she might pop back. Today I build a bridge of chance for someone I loved.